Welcome to this space,
Where there is guidance and support, for every practitioner & therapist, as they establish themselves in clinic.  

Check it out below and then join us as we navigate this wild journey together! 

The Apprenticeship is the missing key in the industry of Qualified Natural Therapists! 

We spend years studying and then all too soon we are sent out into the 'real world' to not only navigate "real life clinic" with the general public..
but we have to build a business at the same time!  

It is no wonder that too many find it overwhelming and find themselves not being able to get off the ground.

In "The Apprenticeship", we help you to develop your confidence in every area of clinic & business. 

Take your career and
expertise to a new level!

The Essential Steps

I have broken down the steps that every practitioner has to take into clinic! 
I know you've been sent out on your own. 
Let me guide you into a clinic that flows. 

Group Mentoring

Every Fortnight we meet for a group mentoring session! Connect, download, ask questions and seek guidance on business and clinical cases

Complex Cases 

Trauma, Eating Disorders, Cerebral Palsy and more.. 
We have guidance and learning on cases that need that extra care and support. 


Each month we deep dive with specialists in their field. We learn, we go deep and we become clearer on some amazing tools for clinic - and our own minds! 

CPE Points

Podcasts, Interviews, Masterclasses, Research Papers - it's all here to gather for CPE Points!

Write your awesome label here.

What Exactly Is Included? 

Her mentorship and support helped me FINALLY take the leap into full time practice (7 years after finishing study!)
Emma is an incredible Kinesiologist and mentor with a wealth of experience and wisdom. Her mentorship and support helped me FINALLY take the leap into full time practice (7 years after finishing study!) . So if you’re overwhelmed and need to connect with other people who are on the same wavelength or who have been where you areThe multiple different categories and options for learning new skills, refreshing old ones or trying different challenges, and the student project resources are superb.
- Rosie

17 Years+ In Clinic 

Hello! I'm Emma,

Kinesiologist with B. Health Science.

I've been building businesses since I was in my early 20s. 

2 x full time clinics set up in different locations and a working mum, I know all about the juggle and the internal journey that comes with building a business as a practitioner.

For nearly 10 years, I've been able to support our family as a practitioner.  My partner is an incredible stay at home dad to our 3 boys.

I created The Practitioner Table and everything you see here, not because I really wanted to become a business coach!

But because
1. I kept being asked by other practitioners for help and
2. I really see the value in what a good Natural Therapist brings to a community
3. I see the struggle that so many practitioners face in getting their clinics off the ground. 

I have accumulated so much knowledge and wisdom that I am ready to pass on.. and there are too many voices out there who say they can help, but have never had successful clinics themselves.. 

You may have seen my business short courses which Endeavour College asked me to create and write in 2022. 

You may have done one of my professional training courses.

Or you may have just stumbled here because you know you need more support...

Whatever the reason, I am so glad you're here and I can't wait to be a part of your journey! 
Emma and the group are a collective who will refuel or empower confidence in yourself and your business.
Emma is a master at navigating practitioners, at varied stages of their business journey through whatever blocks, concerns, questions which can arise, Mentoring is shared in practical and energetic ways. Emma and the group are a collective who will refuel or empower confidence in yourself and your business.

You're an absolute gem - thank you! 
- Cate

What Is Included? 

Invaluable Em
Thank you for being my inspiration and showing me that it is possible to have success with this profession.

And thank you for sharing all of your wisdom and knowledge in your magical offerings.

Invaluable Em, You are my ear in every session!
- Gina

Join The Apprenticeship At Any Point In Your Journey 

The Apprenticeship is not just for new graduates! 

You may have been stuck for months or years.

You may have had to have a break and are ready to come back.

You may be kind of there but need to get more flow..

Wherever you are, we are here for you

Support On Every Level


Getting Into A Flow With Clinic

Money Mindset

Overcoming Fear

Education For Complex Cases

and more..

I'm here to provide the missing links for each and every practitioner! 

I know what's missing because I've been there! I am there! 

Over the decades I've seen too many practitioners graduate but 
feel so overwhelmed by having to establish confidence on their own - in business & in clinic, that they just don't get established...
or shut down their businesses after a few years. 

As an industry, we are letting our practitioners down! 
I truly believe that our communities need more qualified and diverse healthcare. 

So I'm on a mission to support each and every one of you! 

I've spent years researching what is missing.. and here you will find it all! 

Frequently asked questions

When Are The Supervision & Mentoring Hours?

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday Of The Month! 1pm -Sydney Time). As the community grows I will be adding more times and dates so please let me know what works for you! 

These sessions are an amazing chance to connect with other practitioners from all around Australia, ask me absolutely anything about clients or business. Download any sticky or emotional situations. And just generally let us know how you're going.

I'm sorry they aren't recorded, but whenever there is a real nugget of gold, I'll put together a video for you.

What Are The Masterclasses & Can I Join Live?

The masterclasses are interviews with experts and practitioners - from everything to adaptogens, conditions, money and mindset. You can join LIVE and they will be recorded! 

I'll also be prerecording my own masterclasses on the Complex Conditions and other business mindset topics. 

How Do I Access The Community?

We have a private facebook group & there is a community forum on the site!

How Much Time Do I Need?

That really depends on YOU!

There's content to deep dive into. The workbooks, the research, the videos, the masterclasses.. 

But this was created by a me - I still have my own practice, this community and I'm a mum of 3 boys - and enjoy having relationships! 

So it's created for people with full lives! 

You can listen on the go.
You can sit down to a workbook whenever you get space - or you can just do what suits you. 
I have people who join the mentoring while they are in the car, or on a walk! 
There are no "have tos" by any date. 
It's all here as support and guidance. 

This community is built for you, so that you feel supported to grow. 

This is a failure proof zone!! 
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